山梨医科大学紀要 第17巻,058-063(2000)




キーワード:ダウン症候群 幼児 母親 療育 相談 人的サポート

Parents ’difficulties of raring infants with Down syndrome and their situation of human support

Tamiko WATANABE, Kumiko IIJIMA and Youko KONDO

Mothers who raised infants with Down syndrome were surveyed by a questionnaire to clarify the difficulties of rearing child and the situation of human support. From October to December in 1998 we distributed questionnaires to 200 parents belonging to Japan Down syndrome. 45% of them were collected.
The results are as follows:
1) The average age of the children is 4.1 years old.
2) 51%of the children have some complications.
3) 62%are slightly or moderately handicapped, and 11%are seriously handicapped.
4) The parents have more problems in home care than in nursery care.
5) The areas of difficulties in home care are a)how to communicate with the child, b)how to train the child and c)behavior of problems of the child.
6) 67% of the parents are anxious about putting the child in school.
7) 44% of parents are not satisfied with human support of the rural areas.

Key words :Down syndrome, infants, mother, raising child, advise, human support

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