山梨医科大学紀要 第18巻,007-010(2001)


金子 誉,里 誠,佐々山竜一,小林信光,



Actual state of eating habits and Night-Eating Syndrome in medical students

Takashi KANEKO, Makoto SATO, Ryuichi SASAYAMA,
Nobumitsu KOBAYASHI, Masashi SAKUMA,
Mayumi SASO, Mariko SASO and Kazuyuki TAGUCHI

We investigated the eating habits in medical students of our university based on the results of a nutritional survey.addition,we ourselves led an intemperate life for a while to evaluate whether endocrinological characteristics of Night Eating Syndrome appear because attention has been currently focused on this syndrome.As a result of the nutritional survey,it was found that proportions of dietary proteins and lipids in our medical students (males accounted for approximately 80%of them and approximately 93%of them were leading a single life)tended to be lower than national average proportions of these dietary nutrients in similar age groups,suggesting that the quality of meals might be slightly lower among our students.In addition,20.6%of our medical students replied that they did not eat breakfast. Therefore,it was suggested that such students might have signs of Night-Eating Syndrome,probably due to a nightshift of major energy intake.After leading an intemperate life,it was experimentally demonstrated that serum melatonin and leptin levels decreased during the nighttime,together with nocturnal insulin hypersecretion,nocturnal hyperglycemia,and morning hypoglycemia.Therefore,it was confirmed that eating breakfast is important to avoid adverse effects of a night-shifted lifestyle on the endocrinological kinetics.

Key words:Night-Eating Syndrome,single life,melatonin,leptin,insulin hypersecretion,night hyperglycemia and morning hypoglycemia.

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