山梨医科大学紀要 第18巻,119-128(2001)





The London School of Intonation Studies
-Harold E. Palmer on English Intonation-

Yoshiki Nagase

Harold E.Palmer is a well-known authority on the methodology of teaching English as a foreign language.At the invitation of the Japanese Ministry of Education,H.E.Palmer came to Japan and laid the foundation of English Education in Japan.His theories and work are often cited and discussed even today.We cannot,of course,deny his contribution in the area of TEFL/TESOL.However,not many know the fact that his true genius in research was displayed in the field of phonetics,particularly in intonation studies.This paper tries to elucidate the foresight and originality of H.E.Palmerユs intonation studies through his work,and define the evaluation and contribution of H.E. Palmer in the history of intonation studies which became one of the mainstream areas of research in the London School of Phonetics.

Key words :Harold E.Palmer,Intonation studies,the London School of Phonetics,Phonetics .

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