山梨医科大学紀要 第4巻,016-019(1987)


大矢正算、木戸 啓、小松 紀



Unexpected Sudden Natural Death Associated with Traffic Accidents

Masakazu OYA, Akira KIDO and Nori KOMATSU

Two fatal cases of traffic accidents are reported in which medicolegal autopsy, revealed that the victims died suddenly and unexpectedly not from crash injuries, but of insidiously developing, pathologic disorders while or after driving a motor vehicle.
Case 1: A passenger car driven by a 51-year-old man ran over the centre line of a road and crashed against a concrete flowerpot at the opposite side. The driver was found unconscious and snoring in the car, but soon died. An impact abrasion was seen on the left side of the forehead. By autopsy the cause of death was considered to be subarachnoid haemorrhage resulting from a rupture of the right middle cerebral artery.
Case 2: A 79-year-old driver died suddenly about 25 minutes after an automobile crash at a T-crossing. There were bruises under the scalp and haemorrhages in the right temporal muscle. By autopsy, the cause of death was diagnosed to be myocardial infarction with a cardiac aneurysm due to coronary atherosclerosis.
The present cases suggest that in fatal traffic accidents one should never omit medicolegal autopsy even if the nature of trauma precludes the need for it.

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