山梨医科大学紀要 第6巻,001-007(1989)

視交叉上核の Vasopressin ニューロン


 視交叉上核は睡眠覚醒サイクルをはじめとして、行動、内分泌の日周リズムの形成にとって最重要な構造である。視交叉上核の日周リズムのメカニズムとして、視交叉上核自体の神経活動の日周リズムがあり、それらは Dorsomedial の regular disclarge タイプのニューロンに由来するものと思われる。dorsomedialには、vasopressinニューロンが集中しており、vasopressin-m RNAの量は、日周リズムを示す。さらにvasopressin-m RNAのpoly(A)tailにも日周リズムがある。これらのことから、日周リズムのメカニズムの中で、vasopressinニューロンの役割が期待される。視交叉上核の神経活動のメカニズムとvasopressin-m RNA合成メカニズムに関して綜説する。


Vasopressin Neuron in Sprachiasmatic Nucleus:
Possible Role for Circadian Pacemaker

Hiroaki NAGASAKI, Shinichi INOUE and Ako TOKUMASU

Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) has been thought to be the most important substrate not only for the sleep-wake cycle but also for circadian behaviours and hormonal secretions. The circadian pacemaker rhythm was found in the multiple unit discharges in the SCN, and the regular firing type neurons were found in the dorsomedial part of SCN slice preparation. Both the multiple and single unit discharges showed higher discharge rates in the day than in the night, these regular firing type neurons were thought to contribute to make circadian pacemaker system.
Furthermore, vasopressin containing neurons were found in the dorsomedial part of SCN. Vasopressin-mRNA in the dorsomedial part of SCN has been shown the circadian rhythm which is high during the day and low during the night. These daily changes of vasopressin m-RNA coincided with the dai1y changes of vasopressin content in the cerebrospinal fluid. We discussed the mechanisms of the circadian neuronal activity and vasopressin gene expression on the basis of the circadian rhythm and biological clock.


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