山梨医科大学紀要 第9巻,069-075(1992)





Stress Analysis of the Hip

Takatoshi IDE and Rikio AMANO

The computer simulation model of the hip for stress analysis was made with the Japanese standard physical constitution, and the estimation of the stress distribution on the standard model was performed by the computer simulation using Kawai's Rigid Body Spring Model (RBSM). Total l05 clinical cases of secondly osteoarthritis with acetabular hypoplasia including 16 normal hips were also analyzed with RBSM.
The result of the analysis on the standard hip model was that a maximum compressive stress was estimated at 0.031/mm times of the body weight, and an actual weight bearing area was calculated as 62.1% of the possible contact area on the hip joint. The maximum compressive stress and the resultant force were decreased with changes of the center-edge angle, but the change of resultant force according to the center-edge angle was not sensitive, compared with a maximum stress.
In clinical cases, the maximum stress was estimated as two times, compared with the Normal hip in the pre-arthrosis and early stage of osteoarthritis criteria by Japanese 0rthopedics Association, and l.5 times in the Progressive and terminal stage. The correlation between the Maximum stress and the center-edge angle in clinical cases was almost same manner as in the standard hip model, but the estimated maximum stress was scattered among cases.
It was concluded that the stress analysis utilizing RBSM was possible to estimate the biomechanical behavior of the hip precisely. Therefore, it is useful to predict the prognosis, and to make clear the osteoalrthritis of the hip biomechanically.


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p. 74 p. 75
