山梨大学看護学会誌 第4巻2号 041-046(2006)



<要 旨>
 肺疾患患者の日常生活動作に伴う呼吸困難感や酸素飽和度などの変化を調査した。対象者は酸素療法施行中の肺疾患患者12 名(平均年齢77.3 ± 6.6 歳)と健常者8 名(平均年齢79.4 ± 8.4 歳)であった。日常生活動作は洗面・食事・更衣・排泄であり直前と直後〜 20 分間の変化を測定した。洗面,食事,更衣,排泄は動作の直前と比較し直後には呼吸困難感が有意に上昇し(p<0.05),酸素飽和度が有意に低下(p<0.05),脈拍数は有意に上昇した(p<0.05)。洗面,更衣,排泄動作直前から直後の呼吸困難感と動脈血酸素飽和度の値には負の相関があった。肺疾患患者の日常生活動作直後には呼吸困難感が増強し酸素飽和度が低下したことから,動作直後には安静が重要であることが示唆された。


Changes of Dyspnea by Activities of Daily Living in Patients with Pulmonary Disease
-The Relationship between Dyspnea and Pulse Oxygen Saturation-


 Through changes in activities of daily living (ADL) including washing the face, eating, changing clothes and excreting, we determined changes in dyspnea and pulse oxygen saturation in patients with pulmonary disease. Twenty subjects were assigned to two groups: 12 patients (77.3±6.6yr) with oxygen therapy, and 8 healthy people (79.4±8.4yr). Dyspnea and pulse rate in patients were increased (p<0.05), and pulse oxygen saturation in patients was decreased (p<0.05) immediately after ADL. There was a negative correlation immediately after ADL between dyspnea and pulse oxygen saturation in patients. However, the healthy people showed no significant change after ADL. Therefore, it is important for patients with pulmonary disease to rest immediately after ADL.

Key Words:Patients with Pulmonary Disease, Activities of Daily Living, Dyspnea, Pulse Oxygen Saturation

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