山梨大学看護学会誌 第5巻1号 017-023(2006)


三神由起子,高田谷久美子,高頭 泰子,宮本佳代子,四條美由紀

要 旨
 女性看護師の育児不安/ストレスを明らかにし育児支援について検討すべく,0〜3歳児を持つ看護師166名,看護師以外の有職者44 名,専業主婦143 名を対象に,自記式のアンケート調査を行った。


Parenting Related Stress Among Clinical Nurses

MIKAMI Yukiko, TAKATAYA Kumiko, TAKATO Yasuko, MIYAMOTO Kayoko, SHIJO Miyuki

To clarify the situation of anxiety and/or stress in clinical nurses, 166 mothers who worked as clinical nurses, 44 mothers who worked in non-nursing occupations and 143 stay-at-home mothers were surveyed using a questionnaire.
The results are as follows:
1) 72.9% of nurses worked night duty. However the other working mothers did not work night sifts.
2) “Playing with children” and “bathing children” were the most frequent behaviors of fathers cooperating with mothers in childcare.
3) The husbands of clinical nurses were more helpful in “change diapers” and “washing clothes” as compared to others.
4) The husbands of mothers who worked in non-nursing occupations were more helpful in “shopping”.
5) The score of anxiety about childcare was almost the same among the three groups of mothers.
6) Mothers who worked as clinical nurses and stay-at-home mothers were more satisfied in child care than mothers who worked in non-nursing occupations.

Key Words Anxiety, Stress, Parenting, Clinical Nurse

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