山梨大学看護学会誌 第6巻1号 007-014(2007)

<原 著>
―性別, 年齢別, 罹患期間別の比較―

押領司 民,佐藤みつ子

要 旨

キーワード 神経難病, 脊髄小脳変性症, 主観的QOL, 性別, 年齢別

Subjective QOL of Spinocerebellar Degeneration Patients ? A Gender ̄, Age ̄, and Affected
Period ̄ Specific Comparison

ORYOJI Tami , SATO Mitsuko

 We report on the results of a survey of 205 home-care patients of spinocerebellar degeneration, using the "subjective QOL Grading Scale of Patients with Neurological Diseases." The purpose of the study was to demonstrate the characteristics if the patients' subjective QOL according to their gender, age and affected period. The results indicate a significant difference between gender according to the categories of "change of feelings" and "personal relationships," with men scoring lower in both. There was a significance difference in the category of "change of feelings" between low-age and high-age groups, as well as between low-age and intermediate-age groups with regards to the category "impressed by something recently," and between lowage and high-age groups about "expecting something to happen." By comparing the groups of different affected periods, a sizable difference was detected between the groups of short and long durations in the category of "illnesses and disabilities." Regarding the subjective QOL of the patients undergoing SCD treatment, men in particular in the low-age group and the short affected period group had lower scores, suggesting that they require additional support.

Key Words Neurological Intractable Disease, Spinocerebellar Degeneration, Subjective QOL, Gender-Specific, Age-Specific

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