山梨大学看護学会誌 第6巻1号 015-021(2007)

<原 著>

水上 知香,高田谷久美子

要 旨
 山梨県の4 年制看護系大学に在学中の看護学生130 名を対象に,「遺伝病(親から子に伝わる)」と他の疾患とのイメージの相違について検討した。その結果,「遺伝病」の方が「病気」よりも,「治らない」,「助からない」,「怖い」,「断ち切れない」,「果てしない」,「永続的」,「避けられない」,「重い」,「知りたくない」,「家族の」と捉えられていた。
 またこれらの因子分析を行ったところ,「遺伝病」では「逃れられない」「つらさ」「逃避的な感情」「対処不能」「偏見」「不安感」に関する6 因子が,また「病気」では「つらさ」「致命的」「自分の責任か迷う」「果てしなく続く」に関する4 因子が得られた。

キーワード イメージ,遺伝病,看護学生,SD 法

Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Hereditary Diaseases


 In this study we analyzed the perception of hereditary diseases and related factors as compared to other diseases. The subjects were 130 nursing students of a university in Yamanashi. The subjects perceived the following about hereditary diseases more than other diseases: incurable, fatal, fearful, perpetuating, endless, permanent, severe, avoidance and familial.
 Using the factor analysis, six factors were extracted from hereditary diseases: 1) imprisoned, 2) pain, 3) escape response, 4) uncontrollable, 5) prejudice, and 6) anxiety. Meanwhile, 4 factors were extracted from other diseases: 1) pain, 2) fatal, 3) ambivalence, and 4) endless.
 Both hereditary diseases and other diseases were perceived as painful. However, the perception of hereditary diseases was not the individuals’ problem or fault, “crossing from one generation to another”, uncontrollable, and prejudice, but the perception of other diseases was that they are caused by lifestyle.

Key Words Perceptions, Hereditary Diseases, Nursing Students, Semantic Differential Method

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