山梨大学看護学会誌 第7巻2号 005-011(2009)

<原 著>

川崎真由美,山本ゆかり,岩品 宏美,米山愛永美,高野 和美,
福井 里美,飯島 純夫,後藤 恭一

目的は脳神経外科・救急部病床を中心とする混合病棟の夜間騒音の実態を明らかにすることである。方法は,2 か月間,患者60 人への夜間騒音についての質問紙(アノイアンス調査)と夜間の騒音源と発生時間の記録,さらに期間中の1 か月間,21 時〜翌朝6 時に騒音計を病棟内の2 か所に設置し,継続的な騒音測定を行った。その結果,看護師が騒音源と考える事柄の夜間騒音は看護室前より病棟つきあたりが有意に小さかった。アノイアンスは全体的に低めであったが,その中では「トイレの流水音」,「他の患者の物音」,「他の患者の声」の順で高かった。「他の患者の物音」では看護室に近い部屋より奥部屋の方が高かった。騒音源全項目で経験回数が多い患者は少ない患者よりアノイアンスが高かった。改善策として,夜間ワゴンの使用を控えること,トイレや汚物室の使用方法の検討,履物や早朝の活動等に関して患者協力を得る必要があると考えられた。

キーワード 脳神経外科病棟,救急病棟,夜間騒音,アノイアンス

Noise Level and Night Annoyance in a Neurosurgical and Casualty Ward

FUKUI Satomi, IIJIMA Sumio, GOTO Kyoichi

The aim of this research is to reveal the condition of night noises at a mixed neurosurgical and casualty ward. We conducted annoyance research in the form of night noise questionnaires. The subjects were 60 inpatients in the ward, and they recorded the time and source of the night noises for 2 months. In addition two noise level meters were utilized to measure noise from 9p.m. to 6a.m. in the ward for 1 month.
As a result, the level of the night noise was signifi cantly lower at the ward’s end than in front of the nursing station. On the whole, annoyance was low. However the noises that were reported as most
annoying were in decreasing order “sound of running water of a toilet”, “other patients’ sounds”, and “the other patients’ voices”.
The patients at the end of the hall were more annoyed with “other patients’ sounds” than those near the nursing station. The patients with many incidences of hospitalization were more annoyed with all sources of noises than those with few incidences of hospitalization. The results suggest it is necessary to refrain from using wagon, toilets and a fi lth room at night, and to obtain patients’ cooperation about their
footwear and their early morning activities.

Key Words Neurosurgical Ward, Casualty Ward, Night Noise, Annoyance

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