山梨医科大学紀要 第1巻,025-029(1984)




キーワード:ocular trauma、contusion、corneo-scleral perforation、vitreous hemorrhage、subluxatio lentis

Ocular trauma in vineyards

Masahiko USHIYAMA and Yasuo IZAWA

Five cases of serious ocular injury in male vineyard workers aged 48-78 years occurred during a six month period in winter. Three had corneo-scleral perforations from supporting wires which also caused a vitreous hemorrhage in a fourth case. 0ne case sustained a subluxation of the lens when the wire-stretching apparatus fell on it. 0ne case of perforating injury retained good visual acuity after wound suture; one had poor vision because of old-standing retinal hemorrhage in spite of satisfactory wound suture; one became blind because of total retinal detachment after otherwise successfu1 wound suture and lens extraction. The eye with the vitreous hemorrhage retained fair vision. The lens-subluxated case retained good vision after extraction of a subluxated lens.


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