山梨医科大学紀要 第1巻,030-037(1984)


川田 殖



The scope of Aristotle's life theory
- A sketch -

Shigeru KAWADA

A distinctive feature of Aristotelian philosophy can be seen in his bio1ogical approach. This article at first demonstrates this proposition throughout his theoretical works: his adoption of the pair concepts dynamis and energeia, attestation of logical framework, comprehensive presentation of psychic faculties including bodily functions, placement of form and matter as two factors of organic structure, and bio-scientific understanding of the concept ousia, etc. In the field of ethics and politics, Aristotle sets out his research from his basic conception of human being, to Zoon logon echon, to politikon Zoon, and aims at its Cconsummation as psyches energeis kat' areten, to eu zen. And other topics in these fields are discussed in view of these start and end. Particularly instructive and relevant for our present state of science and techno1ogy is his treatment of poiesis and poietike: his theory of katharsis, for example, suggests the necessity of connective study of humanics and psycho-somatic medicine based upon close scientific research and philosophical insight. This article at the end, proposes the necessity of reassessment of Aristotle's life theory with reference to the new stage of post-positivistic view of science and philosophy including Bergson and Whitehead.


p. 30 p. 31 p. 32 p. 33 p. 34
p. 35 p. 36 p. 37
