山梨医科大学紀要 第19巻,017-024(2002)



アトピー性皮膚炎児の療養行動は,親の対処に左右される。先行研究では,親の心理的要因とアトピー症状の関連の報告はあるが,養育態度に着目した研究は少ない。本研究は,学童期アトピー性皮膚炎児の親の疾病認知と養育態度の関連を検討し,看護介入のあり方の検討を目的とする。アトピー専門外来に通院中の学童児の親(平均年齢 40.7±3.5 歳)44 名に罹病期間,主観的重症度などの疾病認知,養育態度(鈴木ら:1985)を調査した。結果,主観的重症度は皮疹・かゆみの気になる度合と関連がみられた。養育態度は健康な子どもの親と比べ統制的なかかわりの傾向がみられ,重症ほど受容的・子ども中心的かかわりを,逆に軽症,主観的重症度が低いほど責任回避的,統制的かかわりの傾向がみられた。以上から,重症化を予防するためには,軽症時から親の受容的・子ども中心的かかわりの養育態度を支援する患児参加型の看護介入が必要であることが示唆された。

キーワード: 学童期,アトピー性皮膚炎児,疾病認知,養育態度

Relation between disease awareness and attitudes of parents
whose children suffer from atopic dermatitis in their later childhood

OHWAKI Junko, SATO Mitsuko and HIEJIMA Yoshimitsu

Treatment of children afflicted with atopic dermatitis is affected by how their parents deal with it. Many past studies reported the relation between parents' mental factors and atopic dermatitis. But there are only few studies focusing on their parenting attitudes. This study examined the relation between disease awareness and parenting attitudes or parents whose children have atopic dermatitis. The goal was to determine how they could work most effectively with nursing. The survey was conducted with questionnaire covering the disease period, subjective severity of disease, control of treatment and care, and parenting attitudes (Suzuki,etc: 1985)- among 44 parents (average age: 40.7 years old ±3.5 years) whose children have been treated at hospitals specializing in atopic dermatitis. Results showed that the subjective severity of the disease was related to the level of efflorescence and itching. Looking at parenting attitudes, the parents showed a tendency toward regimental relations with their children, compared to others whose children are healthy. The parents whose children are more severely afflicted showed a tendency to be more receptive and focus on their relationships with the children. On the other hand, the parents whose children have more milder cases and less severe symptoms tended to avoid responsibility and had more regimented relations with the children. In conclusion, this study suggests the necessity of nursing that involves both the parents and their children and promotes receptive, child-focused relationships.

Key words: Late childhood, atopic dermatitis, disease awareness, parenting attitudes

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