山梨医科大学紀要 第19巻,071-077(2002)



 近年,ライフスタイルの変化に伴い,食生活のあり方や食生活がもたらす意味や価値は多様化し,一般的な健康教育では個人の管理に十分対応できない現状にある。本研究は成人の食行動の実践状況とそれに対する認識の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした。食行動の認識は,摂食態度調査 (EAT-20 を一部改変) と食習慣の認識調査を併用して査定した。対象は 30 歳未満の男女 44 名 (以下,青年群),30 歳以上 60 歳未満の男女 33 名 (以下,壮年群) の合計 77 名である。食行動の特徴は一日の食事・間食・外食・レトルト食品の回数には有意差はなかったが,コンビニエンスストアの利用回数と孤食 (独りの食事) の頻度が壮年群より青年群が有意に多かった。摂食態度と食習慣の認識の合計点はともに壮年群が青年群より有意に低かった。また 32 の質問項目中 17 項目で有意差が認められた内容から,青年群は壮年群より食事制限と肥満恐怖に敏感であり,情動的摂食行動と外発的摂食行動を強く有することがわかった。対象者全体における摂食態度の合計点および食習慣の認識の合計点は,それぞれコンビニエンスストア利用回数と孤食の頻度に正相関が認められ,コンビニエンスストアを多く利用する者,あるいは一人で食事をする割合が高い者ほど自分の食行動を否定的に評価する傾向にあることがわかった。


Dietary Behavior and Its Recognition in Adults:
A Comparison between Young Adults and Middle-aged Adults

DATE Kumiko, NAKAMURA Michiko,

  In recent years, there has been an alarming diversification of our lifestyles, yet, health education and promotion for adults are seen to be insufficient. The purpose of this study is to investigate the dietary behavior and its recognition in the Japanese adult population. The recognition of dietary behavior was investigated via the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-20) and the Eating Habit Questionnaire (EHQ). The participants in this study include 77 Japanese adult, 44 adults under the age of 30 (young group) and 33 of those between the ages of 30 and 60 (middle-aged group). This study found that the number of times to buy fast food at a convenience store and the frequency of eating alone in the young group were significantly higher than the middle-aged group. In both the EAT-20 and EHQ, the middle-aged group received lower score in comparison with the young group. Significant differences between the two groups were found in 17 of the 32 questions included in this study. The result also indicated that dieting, obese-phobia, emotional eating, and external eating were significantly higher in the young group. Also in all participants, correlation was found between the recognition of dietary behavior (EAT-20 and EHQ) and the number of times to buy fast food at a convenience store and the frequency of dietary alone.

Key words: dietary behavior, eating attitude, eating habit, young adult, middle-aged adult

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