山梨大学看護学会誌 第5巻2号 013-018(2007)

<原 著>

白田 梨奈,佐藤みつ子

要 旨
 青年期の立位姿勢について,18〜28歳の学生を対象に,「スパイナルマウス」を用いた客観的評価により,脊柱の生理的弯曲の状態(胸椎後弯角・腰椎前弯角・仙骨傾斜角),柔軟性(前屈・後屈可動域)の実態を明らかにした。その結果,女性(n=72)は胸椎後弯角38.6 ± 9.4°,腰椎前弯角26.9 ± 11.1°,仙骨傾斜角11.2 ± 10.4°,男性(n=17)は胸椎38.3 ± 7.2°,腰椎17.4 ± 10.3°,仙骨4.2 ± 8.0°であり,男女では,胸椎後弯角が50°以上の者は11.2%,腰椎前弯角が20°未満の者は29.2%,仙骨傾斜角が25°未満の者は95.5%であった。男女とも,腰椎前弯角,仙骨傾斜角は角度が小さく脊柱の弯曲が少なく,身体の基底面積が小さくなっていると考えられ,身体バランスを保持しにくくなっていることが推察された。

キーワード スパイナルマウス,青年期,立位,脊柱姿勢

Evaluation of Sagittal Spinal Posture using Spinal Mouse in the Healthy Young

HAKUTA Rina, SATO Mitsuko

 The purpose of this study was to investigate spinal posture and mobility during standing in healthy young people. Spinal curvature was measured with “Spinal Mouse” during standing, full flexion, and full extension in 89 subjects (72 females and 17 males), aged between 18 and 28 years. The results of female were as follows: The mean thoracic kyphosis was 38.9 ± 9.4o, lumber lordosis averaged 26.9 ± 11.1o, and sacral inclination averaged 11.2 ± 10.4o. In males, the mean thoracic kyphosis was 38.3 ± 7.2o, lumber lordosis averaged 17.4 ± 10.3o, and sacral inclination averaged 4.2 ± 8.0o. The subjects with rounded backs, in which the angle of thoracic kyphosis was over 50o, were 11.2%. The subjects with low curvature, in which the angle of lumber lordosis was under 20o, were 29.4%. The subjects in which the angle of sacral inclination was under 25o were 95.5%. Thus, spinal deformation occurred at a young age. Furthermore, the angles of lumber lordosis and sacral inclination of the healthy young might tend to decrease. There was a tendency for the healthy young to decrease their spinal curvature and physical base area during standing. This decrease might cause difficulties in maintaining standing balance.

Key Words Spinal Mouse, Healthy Young, Standing Position, Spinal Posture

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